Plotting hardware stats via plotly (code listing)
This page lists the code referred to in my blog post here.
# Temperature/usage stats based on:
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
import psutil
import datetime
import plotly
import time
import calendar
USERNAME = 'username'
APIKEY = 'api_key'
def get_cpu_temp():
tempFile = open("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")
cpu_temp =
return float(cpu_temp.strip()) / 1000.
def get_gpu_temp():
process = Popen(['vcgencmd', 'measure_temp'], stdout=PIPE)
output, _error = process.communicate()
return float(output[output.index('=') + 1:output.rindex("'")])
def get_ram_used():
return psutil.phymem_usage().percent
def get_cpu_usage():
return psutil.cpu_percent()
filename = 'cam1_test'
layout = {
'title' : 'Camera 1 hardware',
'xaxis' : {'title':'Time', 'type':'date'},
'yaxis' : {'title':'Temperature (deg. C)'},
'yaxis2' : {'title':'% usage', 'side':'right', 'overlaying':'y'},
'showlegend' : True,
'legend' : {'x' : 0, 'y' : 1},
py = plotly.plotly(username_or_email=USERNAME, key=APIKEY)
py.layout(layout, filename=filename)
camera_started = False
end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 6)
curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
expected_update = curr_time + datetime.timedelta()
while curr_time <= end_time:
cpu_temp = {'x': [curr_time], 'y': [get_cpu_temp()], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'name':'CPU temperature'}
gpu_temp = {'x': [curr_time], 'y': [get_gpu_temp()], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'name':'GPU temperature'}
ram_used = {'x': [curr_time], 'y': [get_ram_used()], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'name':'RAM usage', 'yaxis':'y2'}
cpu_load = {'x': [curr_time], 'y': [get_cpu_usage()], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'name':'CPU usage', 'yaxis':'y2'}
_cpu_load = cpu_load['y'][0]
if _cpu_load > 75 and not(camera_started):
layout['annotations'] = [{'text':'Camera enabled', 'xref':'x', 'yref':'y2', 'x':calendar.timegm(curr_time.utctimetuple())*1000, 'y':_cpu_load, 'ax':-100, 'ay':10, 'showarrow':True, 'arrowhead':7}]
py.layout(layout, filename=filename)
end_time = curr_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 6)
camera_started = True
if _cpu_load < 50 and camera_started:
layout['annotations'].append({'text':'Camera disabled', 'xref':'x', 'yref':'y2', 'x':calendar.timegm(curr_time.utctimetuple())*1000, 'y':_cpu_load, 'ax':100, 'ay':10, 'showarrow':True, 'arrowhead':7})
py.layout(layout, filename=filename)
end_time = curr_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 5)
camera_started = False
response = py.plot([cpu_temp, gpu_temp, ram_used, cpu_load], filename=filename, fileopt='extend')
print curr_time.isoformat(' ')
expected_update += datetime.timedelta(seconds = 30)
time.sleep((expected_update - datetime.datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds()) # Compensate for the loop taking some time
curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()